béne (yíbon/ľibnέ)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to build
LS 89; CSOL I 516; CSOL II 433
text examples

a. gédaḥ maˁáľľam wa-béne énhi ḳáˁar tóˀo éraḥ mes faḳḥ ṭáhɛr wa-ˀaḷ-ˁad tómiˁ ľibnɛ́ ‘A builder came and started to build a house for me. When he was halfway through, he left and and refused to continue to build’ (CSOL I 6:45)

b. entáḥki ḷe-bestán wa-bónik toʸh ‘I was in a dispute over a palm-grove with another person and I built a fence around it’ (CSOL I 16:12)


morphological notes

pass. benö́we (yebóunɛ/ľibnó)

semantic notes

‘To build a fence around something (direct object)’ (b)

  • bénho construction
  • ébne to let somebody build, to hire somebody to build
  • šébne 1. to be suitable for building; 2. to be well built

From PS *bny ‘to build’.

continental MSA