Soqotri Lexicon
bέhɛḷ (yebóhoḷ/ľibhóḷ)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. béḷog tɛʰ di-míˀšer di-ŝiyáṭ ˁaf yebóhoḷ édef kɛ́ˀte réṭḥeʰ wa-te ‘He put the goat meat on the fire until it was ready. Then each took a piece and ate it’ (CSOL I 3:9)
b. óusod meŝrígoʰ be-ŝiyáṭ ˁaf tebhóḷ wa-ḷaṭ ṣóuˀod be-ˀáˀaṭab kor yešráḳaḥ di-bes be-ˀáˀaṭab ‘The awl is heated on the fire till it becomes red-hot, then it is inserted into the (goat’s) teat so that what is in the teat (the pus) would come out’ (field notes)
From PS *bšl ‘to be cooked, ready, ripe’.