المعجم السقطري
bέbɛʰ (du. bɛbέyhi, pl. bɛbέyhon)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
a. wa-ˁemɛ́roʰ e-ˁouyɛ́ghɛn tóˁod ḷe-díˀɛʰ bɛ́bɛʰ ‘She said to the boy: “Go to your father”’ (CSOL I 5:11)
الملاحظات الصرفية
dim. bέhɛn:
ḥéred ˁek díˀɛt bέhɛn ‘Your father was humiliated before you’ (CSOL II 8:27)
مالحظات الداللة اللغية
di-bέbɛʰ ‘son/daughter’ (lit. of the father): ˁö́mor ˁag e-díˀʸheʰ múgšem tóˁod ˁiš ɛʰ di-bɛ́bɛʰ ‘The man said to his son: “Bring him, my son!”’ (CSOL I 5:18)