báˁaḷhoḷ (du. baˁḷáḷi, pl. baˁḷéḷhon, f. báˁaľheľ, du. baˁľíľi, pl. boˁóľhiľ)
old, worn out
старый, поношенный
LS 91; CSOL I 509
الأمثلة النصية

a. éḳdomk ˁag di-dáraˁ ḳamíṣ báˁaḷhoḷ ‘I saw a man wearing an old shirt’ (CSOL I 9:2)


مالحظات الداللة اللغية

In the Vienna corpus, it is attested with the transferred meaning ‘bad, unsuitable’: ˁeméroh bíšol beˁólhíl ‘She... told all sorts of unvirtuous things’ (CSOL I 9:2, from Müller 1905:245).


االشتياق اللغوي

No etymology detected. Phonologically and semantically rather close to PS *bly ‘to be old (of things)’, but -ˁ- can hardly be explained in the framework of this comparison.