базовые морфологические сведения


بـ، في
LS 79; CSOL I 507; CSOL II 424 – 425
текстовые примеры


a. wa-ˁeḳáḷeʸh ḷe-ḥaʰ be-ḳáˁar wa-ḥéšɛm wa-yenúdaḳ heʸh kúľľeʰ ḥágaʰ wa-ˀeḳníyoʰ wa-kúľľeʰ šay ‘He let her stay in his house. She was received with honor and all necessities were given to her: food and everything else’ (CSOL I 1:41)

b. wa-kúľľeʰ óˀoz ḳeṣóˁoʰ ḷe-díˀseʰ ḷe-ˁífef be-nóger ˁaf stetéˀen fáḥre ṭánˀe ‘Each mother goat went to stand over the pit where its kid was, until all of them were doing this’ (CSOL I 6:17)

c. égaḥk be-ṭáˀiraʰ wa-sᵉre ṭáˀiraʰ be-rího wa-hémeˁ éˀefo ˁémer ľité ḥórṣe ľheʰ éˀefo di-ˀégeḥ bes ‘I traveled by plane, and the plane fell into the sea. Then people heard about it and said: “May those in it be saved!”’ (CSOL I 10:8)

d. érem be-zemán mákon be-gemgémoʰ be-di-ḥágher wa-ˀérem de mákon ḥídɛr sémek beʸh de waḳt ‘In times of old, the Makon was on the crown of Hagher. For the Makon had been built by that time’ (CSOL I 2:1)

e. yeḥóḷeb díˀʸheʰ érhon di-ˀeftóˀo wa-yesód be-fḥam di-ŝiyáṭ wa-yegóḷef erẓ̂éfoʰ di-ŝḥaf wa-yetáḳob wa-yaḥarér be-ṣáfror di-ṣóubehɛr ˁaf yemóḷe díˀʸheʰ kέybehen wa-ḷaṭ dö́fon ‘He milked his goats into pots that he put on the embers of the fire. Then he took the skin off the milk, collected it and boiled it with the flowers of the .-plant until this filled a large jug, which he buried’ (CSOL I 2:25)

f. ˁéyyek ḷebˁóḷ ˁážeʰ di-škéroʰ wa-meneḳéḷoʰ díˀseʰ be-ˁeghéten ‘I want to marry a beautiful woman, the best of them’ (CSOL I 1:7)


a. ṭad ˁag fɔ́ne be-zemán báˁaḷ ˁážeʰ wa-ḥaľ ses ḥaʰ ḥaľ ses méddaʰ báˁad-aḷ ḥaľ fotérek éˀefo wa-ken méskon ‘A long time ago, there was a man who married a woman and dwelt with her for some time. After he had dwelt with her for some time, the people found themselves living in want, they became poor’ (CSOL I 1:1)

b. tóˀo ˁö́mor ṭaf ḥe díˀɛʰ ˁážeʰ ḷebˁóḷs ˁö́mor iṭáʰ díˀʸheʰ be-ˀéˀed kor yeḷáṭamš ‘When the sherif said “Give me your wife and I will marry her,” the man made a gesture with his hand as if to slap him’ (CSOL I 1:52)

c. ḳarére éṭbeḳ beʸh díˀʸheʰ óˀoz ˁö́mor náˁa aḷ-ˁak teṣtát ˁaf teráḥ ‘The next morning, he sent his goat with him again. He said: “Now, don’t be looking this time until you reach the place!”’ (CSOL I 2:45)

d. gedéḥes ˁážeʰ di-ḳáˁar ṭad wa-feˀéses ḷe-deráhem wa-ṭéfo ˁeʸh míˀat dóľar wa-tóˀo gédaḥk ẓ̂eḷóˁoʰ énhi ˁámok hes deráhem be-dóľar aḷ-gúzɛ ‘Someone came to see my wife at the house and asked her for some money. She gave him 100 us dollars. Then when I came, she told me about it, and I said: “Money in dollars cannot be wasted like that!”’ (CSOL I 7:11)

e. tóˀo ŝíni ˁag ˁážeʰ énneʰ megtáhideʰ beʸh wa-ṭéfoʰ ˁeʸh díˀseʰ níyeʰ fáḥre wa-ʸheʰ bet dífuḷ ḥánbeʰ di-rího wa-dífuḷ ḥánbeʰ deʰ di-ḥaḷf ˁö́mor náˁaʰ temtíni di-ˁéyyeš ‘When the man saw how attentive the woman was to him and all the kindnesses she lavished on him, and realized how scarce water was and the scarcity of that place, he said: “Now make a wish, whatever you like.”’ (CSOL I 7:16)

3. wa-ṭef ˁeʸh ˁag kor yíroy ŝḥaf be-sḥaľeʰ wa-tóˀo hέben yíroy ḳaˁáfes ṣáľeḥ wa-ˀentóuḥoʰ wa-ˀɛziyótši ˁeyná wa-ḥter mḥámmad e-ṣáľeḥ ‘The man gave him some milk to drink in a bowl. As he was about to drink, Saleh kicked the bowl out of his hands. They started to quarrel, but Eyna separated them. Yet Muhammad was angry with Saleh’ (CSOL I 22:63)

4. wa-ˀetɣárrab ḷe-ḥaʰ be-rínhem áḷḷaʰ áˁľam óˀo deʰ beľád wa-ḥédom ḷe-nhɔfš ‘He went beyond the sea to work in a foreign land—God knows best which country that was!—and he worked for his own benefit’ (CSOL I 1:3)


a. de múgšem di-ḥaʰ íno beʸh bar wa-yeṭár ˁan nhɔfš ṭad ‘This boy is strong and will be able to stand up for himself’ (CSOL I 17:19)

b. éẓ̂a šin ṭad ḳö́ṣhoʰ di-beʸh ŝkaˁ wa-ˀésaˁk ˁag men ḥaḷf di-šérḥeḳ wa-ˁö́mor énhi šérḳaḥ šin ḳö́ṣhoʰ di-beʸh ŝkaˁ ˁámok ken ínoˀš šin dέnˁaʰ ‘A certain thorny plant appeared in our area. When I met a man from another area, far away from us, he said to me: “A certain thorny plant appeared in our area.” I said: “Oh yes, we have it here too”’ (CSOL I 18:31)

6. ḳéḷom ḥe éẓ̂yaˁ di-néḳbɛʰ be-ˁamḳ di-ṭíyoʰ wa-ˀaḷ-ˁad šérḳaḥ ˁaf yíṣam ‘A young goat of mine jumped into a recess in a gorge and was unable to get out, so it finally died’ (CSOL I 8:49)

7. ˁö́mor ˁag ŝínkak áḷḷaʰ díˀɛʰ be-ḥaḳḳ ŝínkak áḷḷaʰ díˀɛʰ be-ḥaḳḳ aˀḥ de šeríf inέm ˁéyyek ḷáṭaf ˁek inέm ˁéyyek ḷáṭaf ˁek inέm ˁéyyek ḷáṭaf ˁek ‘The man said: “God bless you for your verdict! God bless you for your verdict! Oh sherif, what do you want me to give you? What do you want me to give you? What do you want me to give you?”’ (CSOL I 1:49)

8. ḥédom ḷe-nhɔfš ˁaf yom men iyyámat áḷḷaʰ ˁémer méʸhen ˁeyyúg taľátaʰ ˁémer ífuḷ ľákɛn hémeˁ be-ˁag énneʰ séyyod ḷe-ḥaʰ wa-ḷaṭ ḳéne beʸh ‘He worked for his benefit until on one day of the days of God, three men from among the people of his land said: “How can this be?” (for they had heard that the man had become rich there). And they became envious of him’ (CSOL I 1:4)

9. ˁö́mor sáṭahan súwa zéˁe díˀʸheʰ tɛʰ sáṭahan díˀʸheʰ be-ˀébˁar ˁaf yóuḳar aḷ díˀʸheʰ férhim ‘The sultan said: “All right!” Then he took his meat, put it on his camels and in the ecening came back to his daughter’ (CSOL II 1:158)

семантические примечания

Inessive (‘in’): example 1a; apudessive (‘at, near’): example 1b; illative (‘in, into’): example 1c; suressive (‘on’): example 1d; surlative (‘onto’): example 1e; medioessive (‘among’): example 1f.

Temporal: example 2a; instrumental: example 2b; comitative: example 2c; essive (‘in the quality of’): example 2d; ‘with regard to, in respect of (somebody)’: example 2e.

Locative/comitative: example 3.
Adessive/inessive/instrumental: example 4.
Locative/possessive (introduces the carrier of emotions, personal qualities): example 5a; (introduces an inanimate possessor/location): example 5b.

Locative/malefactive: example 6.
Causal (‘because of’): example 7.
‘About’: example 8.

‘By (transport)’: example 9. 

PWS *bi/ba in; by means of (instrumental)
континентальные СЮЯ
  • Mhr. bə- at, about, by, in, with
  • Jib. b- at, about, by, with, in
  • Hrs. b-/be- in, with, by