šeˁásir (yešˁasírin/ľišˁásɛr)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (XII)

to spend the afternoon
проводить ранний вечер
جلس في العصر
CSOL I 499
текстовые примеры

gédaḥk di-ḳáˁar wa-ksek ˁeghéten kέrhen gédaḥ tóˀo ékobk wa-šeˁasírin fe ˁaf aˀáḫḫar díˀho taẓ̂ímoʰ ‘I came home and found there some women who had just come (to visit me), shortly before my coming home, and we spent the afternoon together so that I was late with preparing the dinner’ (field notes)
