basic morphological information


but, rather; as for...
но; что касается
أمّا ... ف
LS 316; CSOL I 495; CSOL II 413
text examples

a. ˁemέro aḷ-taḥázaḷ tho ˁan taˁáẓ̂an ménhi tóˀo díˀseʰ ˁougenóti ‘The girl said: “She will not hate me: she loves me as her own two daughters.” (CSOL II 20:8)

b. wa-ˁan ʸheʰ šerḳéḥiš kéyhɛm wa-ˀédmaˁ ‘As for the man, sweat broke out on his forehead and tears welled up in his eyes.’ (CSOL I 12:11)



other notes

ˁan keʰ ‘if’:

wa-ˁan keʰ égaḥk tewoḷóbenk ‘If you climb them, they will prick you.’ (CSOL I 10:6).

ˁan kaḷ ‘if not’: 

ˁan kaḷ éṭbeḳ héyki ˁag díˀki taḏákir ekɛsóˀoʰ díˀki taḏákir be-ṣanˁá ‘If the man doesn’t send us our tickets, we’ll get them in Sanaʾa.’ (CSOL I 10:6)

di-ˁan ‘almost, close to’:

kések tóʸhen di-ˁan yetéte ‘I saw they were finishing (the prayer).’ (CSOL II 5:6)
