Soqotri Lexicon
ˁö́ḷob (yeˁóḷeb/ľaˁḷέb)
text examples
wa-ˁeḷέboʰ ˁážeʰ díˀseʰ ˁeyyúg fáḥre taľátaʰ méʸhen ˁeḷɛbótšen ‘He followed them, in his turn, and in the end the woman castrated them all—each of the three she castrated’ (CSOL I 1:31)
Leslau (LS 309) compares Arb. ˁlb ‘to make a notch, to scratch’. A more more suitable match, however, may be found in Syr. ˁlb ‘vicit, superavit; injuria affecit, oppressit; privavit’, JPA ˁlbn ‘humiliation, insult’, JBA ˁulbānā ‘injustice’ and, eventually, Arb. γlb ‘to overcome, to subdue; to take or obtain by superior power or force’. Note Tna. ˁelbo ‘foreskin’.