المعجم السقطري
ˁédoḷ or ˁédɛḷ (yaˁádaḷ/ľaˁdέḷ or yaˁádoḷ/ľaˁdóḷ)
الأمثلة النصية
a. tóˀo kámmaľ ˁag díˀʸheʰ emˁíroʰ wa-ˁédɛḷ di-ṭaḥ titóˀoʰ ˁážeʰ díˀseʰ máˁazhɛḷ ‘When the man finished preparing the trunk and brought it to the shore, the woman had finished her spinning’ (CSOL I 29:22)
b. ˁédoʰ še díˀʸho di-bórhe ... di-tho ˁidɛ́ḷoʰ wa-ḳáne ‘I still have one who bore me, ... who carried me in her womb and raised me’ (CSOL I 10:3)
مالحظات الداللة اللغية
‘To carry a child in the womb (a pregnant woman)’ (b).
- ˁádɛḷ or ˁádhɛḷ or ˁédhɛḷ carrier, porter
االشتياق اللغوي
From proto-MSA *ˁdl with the same meaning, further etymology unknown.