Сокотрийский словарь
máˁabher (du. maˁbíri, pl. máˁabhor)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. ḥérek men óˀoz di-gedέroʰ wa-kések tos be-ri be-di-máˁabher rebáẓ̂oʰ wa-ˀɛľíḳin ‘I was looking for a goat which was lost, and I found it lying on the top of a boulder and chewing its cud’ (CSOL II 1:78)
b. tóˀo éraḥ sɛr máˁabher ézˁem énṭen katénaḥ diˀáḷ díˀʸheʰ ḳáḳaʰ ‘He went behind a boulder, stayed there a while, and then he came back to his sister’ (CSOL II 29:8)