Сокотрийский словарь
έzi (yɛˀɛzíˀin/ľiˀέzɛ)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. ṣö́ḷobk óˀoz wa-ˀérḳaḥk mes edhéten wa-nišímeʰ wa-ḷaṭ έzik έrṭaḥ bédeˀk men maḥzízi έzik tóʸhi wa-ḳö́ṭabk méʸhi žed kor yešabóḥoʰ ‘When I slaughtered the goat, I first removed the limbs and the spine. Then I started to cut it into pieces. I began with the neck, separated it and severed the tendon to make it lie flat’ (CSOL I 18:43)
b. ˁážeʰ ɛziˀénki ‘A woman will separate us’ (CSOL I 19:3)
c. etérˁoʰ díʸho mugšími wa-ˀέzik tóʸhi ‘Two of my sons fought, and I separated them’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a:20)
d. wa-be-ḳúwwaʰ ˁaf neˀɛziˀínʸhen ken ṭahidídšen ‘It was with great efforts that we managed to separate them (the cows) from each other’ (Bulakh 2024:114)