eṣ (yéˀṣeṣ/ľi(ˀ)ṣáṣ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ib)

to be afraid
LS 55; CSOL I 478; CSOL II 394 ; Naumkin et al. 2016a:56
الأمثلة النصية

a. sáṭahan di-ˀeṣ áḷḷaʰ ‘The Sultan Who Feared God’ (CSOL I 27 title)

b. wa-ho aḷ-ˁak ˁodk ľiˀénneʰ éˀtoḷk eṣk tos ‘But I did not go (there) anymore, because I was scared. I was afraid of her’ (CSOL II 16:17)

c. ŝínik ˁážeʰ ŝíbib wa-ˀeṣk tos kaḷ bes zédeg ‘I saw an old woman and was afraid she might be possessed by an evil spirit’ (CSOL I 6:45)

الملاحظات الصرفية

3 sg. f. íṣoʰ

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To be afraid of somebody (direct object)’ (a, b).

االشتياق اللغوي

Directly comparable to Mhr. yeṣ ‘to be afraid’. With Leslau (LS 55), probably related to Arb. ˀaṣīṣ- ‘trembling’.