sed (yesód/ľásɛd)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (IV)

to put on fire
ставить на огонь
وضع على النار
LS 282; CSOL I 478; CSOL II 394
текстовые примеры

a. yeḥóḷeb díˀʸheʰ érhon di-ˀeftóˀo wa-yesód be-fḥam di-ŝiyáṭ ‘He milked his goats into pots that he put on the embers of the fire’ (CSOL I 2:25)

b. ḥan béren sóden nö́foy taẓ̂ímoʰ ‘We had already put the dinner for ourselves on the fire’ (CSOL II 2:8)

морфологические примечания

pass. sʸɛd (yóusod/ľisód)


Possibly derived from PS *wsd, although the underlying semantic shift appears to be rather peculiar (Kogan 2015: 204). Contra LS 282, certainly unrelated to Arb. sdd ‘to close up, to stop’, for which see Soq. yhed ‘to block’.