ö́ḳaŝ (yóuḳaŝ/ľiḳáŝ)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ia)

to bump
LS 72; CSOL I 471; CSOL II 386
текстовые примеры

a. ˁeŝ ṭad méʸhen wa-ˀö́ḳaŝ dɛg be-márḳaḥ id-ri ˁaf yešráḳaḥ dor ‘One of them (a group of elderly men) stood up and hit another on the head with a stick, drawing blood’ (CSOL I 15:8)

b. wa-múgšem šéˁe men ḳáneʰ wa-ˀö́ḳaŝ tho be-ri di-ˁaḷhέten ‘A boy ran out and (accidentally) bumped his head into my teeth’ (CSOL I 15:8)

c. wa-ṭáhɛr ˁag wa-dɛg férod díˀʸheʰ be-siyáraʰ ˁaf yóuḳaŝ be-rénhem wa-ŝíni bíŝi órem ‘The man left, and the other continued to flee in the car till he reached the sea and saw there was no more road’ (CSOL I 15:8)

семантические примечания

‘To hit somebody (direct object) with something (be-)’ (a, b)

‘To bump into something (be-)’ (c)


Сf. perhaps Gez. waḳaŝa ‘to reproach, to accuse, to condemn; to strive, to quarreľ.