المعجم السقطري
óḳiḥ (yeˀoḳíḥin/ľiˀáḳaḥ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
a. ˁémer yegodíḥins ṭad mɛn wa-yeˀoḳíḥins ‘They said: “Let one of us go to her and test her”’ (CSOL I 1:6)
b. wa-bet ˁouyέghɛn ber díˀʸheʰ dédoʰ ˁégeb ľiˀáḳaḥš ‘The boy understood that his uncle wished to test him’ (CSOL I 6:14)
c. ˁégeb ľiˀáḳaḥš ʸheʰ ˁáḳeľ ˁam ʸheʰ menḳáynaˁ ‘He wanted to test him, whether he was of sound mind or mad’ (CSOL I 28:9)
d. óḳiḥ múgšem ífuḷ yeˀúgaḥ témreʰ biľá ḥábhoḷ ‘The boy tried to climb a palm tree without any straps’ (CSOL I 6:14)
مالحظات الداللة اللغية
‘To test somebody (direct object)’ (a, b, c)
‘To try to do something’ (d)
- ɛḳáḥ try!
االشتياق اللغوي
No etymology detected.