éfteg (yeftégen/ľiftóg or ľiftɛ́g)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (V)

to be surprised, confused, amazed
недоумевать, быть смущенным
CSOL I 466; CSOL II 459; Bulakh 2024:201
الأمثلة النصية

a. tóˀo éraḥk ri di-ŝégreʰ éḳdomk gáḥi di-ˀö́fog wa-ˁer ḥe órem éftokk ho ḷáˁrɛm órem ˁam ho ḷekténaḥ ‘When I reached the top of the mountain pass I saw a wadi full of water blocking my way. So I wasn’t sure whether to take another road or just return’ (CSOL I 26:80);

b. ḷe-dέnˁaʰ ˁag éfteg menóˀo deʰ di-yerábaẓ̂ díˀʸheʰ ke-fóľhi ‘Thus the man was wondering: where the one that would lay down with his own calf was from?’ (CSOL II 7:5).
