áˁid (yaˁídin/ľáˁad)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

to arrange date clusters above palm tree branches
располагать гроздья фиников на ветвях пальмы
ثبّت عذقة التمر على غصنها
CSOL II 377–378
text examples

wa-ˀeˁéden kúľľeʰ ˁéšḳaʰ ḥŝes ḷe-ḥéṣeʰ di-témreʰ ‘Then each cluster is strung along its own branch’ (CSOL II 11:4).

morphological notes

pass. (3 sg. f.) eˁédoʰ (eˁéden/ḷóˁod)

  • šéˁed to produce good quality dates

Perhaps from PS *wˁd ‘to appoint, to allocate, to order’ (HALOT 419, DRS 573–574). Note that in the continental MSA the root is probably borrowed from Arabic: Mhr. šewɛ̄d ‘to make a rendez-vous, to arrange a meeting’, Jib. ɔ́tˁad ‘to agree, to arrange to meet one another’.