Soqotri Lexicon
ḥanέˀhɛn (du. ḥanɛˀέni, pl. ḥanáˀyhon)
basic morphological information
text examples
dékerk ṭeʸh ˁénoʰ érhon di-ṭirídoʰ men ḥágher ˁaf teḳóˁod ḷe-ˀigľísoʰ watóˀo ḷö́we be-ˀóˀoz ksö́we gotéḷeṭ mes ḥanáˀyhon men šáˁi ‘I remember one year when goats were driven from Hagher and went down to a plateau. When one goat was caught, it was found that her dew claws were abrased by running’ (Bulakh 2024:143)