Сокотрийский словарь
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. ḥkam ˁéʸhen ḥákem ínneʰ tezáˁa ɛʰ díˀɛʰ mɛľ ‘The ruler decided in their favor and said: “Take your money”’ (CSOL I 1:46)
b. wa-ṭahέroʰ di-ḳáˁar di-ḥákem ‘Then she went to the house of the ruler of that place’ (CSOL I 1:38)
c. menáḷ yentáḥan ḥánˀeʰ édof ˁéʸhen ḥákem béḷog ˁag di-segn deʰ di-báḥľe ḥumár ˁóuhɛr wa-béḷog ˁážeʰ di-segn ˁážeʰ di-ˁag deʰ ˁóuhɛr ‘While they were quarreling there, the local ruler came and put them in prison: he put the first man, the owner of the donkey, the blind one, in prison; and he put the woman in prison, the wife of the blind man’ (CSOL III 7:13)
- ḥkam, ḥkem to pass judgement; to rule
- ḥkómeʰ government
- máḥkamaʰ court