المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (f.)

strong rain
сильный дождь
مطر غزير
الأمثلة النصية

a. ẓ̂erégeʰ di-dóte škéroʰ téken ḥíghɛḷ di-ṣéreb ‘Heavy rain during spring is good, (because) the beginning of the autumn will be well’ (field notes)

b. ẓ̂erégeʰ ḷaḷ tegodíḥin yešknén kens ḥéyhe wa-šfɔ́niŝ ‘When heavy rain comes, a person and an animal hide from it’ (field notes)

c. keʰ ẓ̂erɛgótšen ẓ̂erégeʰ yeḳrémem ‘If this hard rain hits them, they’ll shrink even more (of goat kids)’ (CSOL III 1:21)

d. ḥᵃḷe ˁag barmíľ ḷe-márẓ̂aˁ tóˀo ľísoʰ gedóḥoʰ ṭeʸh ẓ̂aregénoʰ ˁaf yegtézof barmíľ be-rího ‘A man put a barrel under the eavestrough. When it started to rain, there came rain which is called ẓ̂erégeʰ (rain of medium intensity), and the barrel was almost completely filled with water’ (Bulakh 2024:114)

الملاحظات الصرفية

dim. ẓ̂aregénoʰ. See example d.
