ḥeg (yeḥégen/ľiḥág)
базовые морфологические сведения

V. (II)

to approach for help
обращаться за помощью
طلب المساعدة
текстовые примеры

ˁážeʰ šin díˀḥan be-ḥaḷf di-ˁáḷho taˁáḳaḷ gemáľeʰ wa-des yeḥégen ˁam ber aḷ-menḳáľ ses ˁafíyeʰ éndeḳ hes díˀseʰ ḳanínhin wa-ḷaṭ aˁbéroʰ díˀseʰ be-ˀéˀed ‘There is a great woman in our land, who does many nice things for people, and all ask her for help. Well-being is abundant with with her, what her Lord has given her, and she then gives it to others with her own hand’ (CSOL III 13:5)
