ḥémaḳ (du. ḥemáḳi, pl. ḥemáḳeʰ, f. sg. ḥemáḳeʰ, du. ḥemaḳíti, pl. ḥemaḳhéten)
базовые морфологические сведения


intense (about colors)
яркий, интенсивный (о цвете)
مُشَبَّع (لونٌ)
текстовые примеры

a. gɛhέmoʰ tan triʰ ẓ̂áˁi žederíti wa-tóˀo tahímin neḳár ˁö́mor díˀʸho múgšem dímhɔn díki ẓ̂áˁi žederíti ˁámok žedéreʰ ḥemáḳeʰ díˀḥan wa-déžen di-ˀέˀɛfo ‘Two goats have come to us, light-brown and two-years old. When we were gathering up our goats to get them into the pen, my son asked: “Whose are these two light-brown goats, two-years old?” I said: “The really light-brown one is ours, the other is other people’s’ (CSOL III 14:16)

b. írḳaḥ dek sᵉkɛ di-sέrɛd di-boḳ ḥémaḳ ‘This really light-brown goat kid will be a gift to you’ (CSOL III 14:16)

c. íṭbaḳ hin bezóz mer-rénhem kúľľeʰ ṭeʸh min bezz ˁemέroʰ énhi díˀʸho ḥéľoʰ dífuḷ meʸh kɛn díˀiʰ ˁámoḳ hes ˁáfer ḥémaḳ ‘They sent us some dresses from abroad – a dress for each of us. My aunt asked me: “What color will yours be?” I said: “Deep red”’ (CSOL III 14:16)

d. ḳarére ˁággi díˀʸhi ḷe-ˁáṣar enkóˁoʰ arbaˁín ẓ̂aˁ ḳéṣ̌heʰ žedéreʰ fáḥre ḥemáḳeʰ ŝi aḷ-ḳéˁes íbšeʸh meskídoʰ ‘On the next day, at the time appointed them, the two men brought the forty young she-goats, unmistakably light-brown all of them, the bright ones, with no admixture of any other color, pregnant and close to giving birth’ (CSOL III 14:20)

семантические примечания

According to our informants, the adjective ḥémaḳ expresses the intensity of a color expressed by another adjective – most typically, žédher ḥémaḳ ‘intense light-brown (goat)’: examples a, d. As one can infer from the following example, ḥémaḳ can sometimes be used alone (presumably with the same meaning as žédher ḥémaḳ): example b. Still another example suggests that ḥémaḳ can qualify colors other than žédher: c.

The informants tend to associate éma with Arabic γámiq ‘dark (color)’ (such as ‘dark-brown’ or ‘dark-blue’) (CSOL III 14:16)
