Сокотрийский словарь
ḳásḳes (yeḳásḳes/ľiḳásḳas)
базовые морфологические сведения
v. (QR)
to ache, to cause pain (about teeth)
болеть (о зубах)
وَجِعَ وجْعَ السن
болеть (о зубах)
وَجِعَ وجْعَ السن
текстовые примеры
ˁouyέghɛn di-ṭáhɛr mustášfi kor yegóḥor ṭey díˀyhe ˁáḷe di-niḳáro góḥor hey dáḫtar wa-ˁö́mor hey tegodíḥin tho báˁad ˁáŝer énhor ézˁem ḥoz di-ŝeľɛ énhor éľľe wa-se ḳásḳes éḳdomk ˁey tóˀo ézˁem wa-yhe éẓ̂aḥ ˁámok inέm šek ˁö́mor ḳasḳéso fe ˁáḷe ‘One boy went to the hospital to clean out a tooth which had a cavity. The doctor cleaned out his tooth and said: “Come back in ten days.” The boy waited three days, and the tooth was still hurting. I saw him like this and continuing to suffer, and I said to him: “What’s with you?” He said: “My tooth hurts”’ (CSOL III 13:10)