Сокотрийский словарь
hóri (pl. hɛwέri)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. yeˁúmor énneʰ ˁag ṭérob di-rénhem kor yešˁárok maḷ ˁad yešˁárok yeˁúmor gedéḥeʸh ṣáde di-ˁö́ḳar wa-škᵉḷémeʸh wa-ˁéṭeʸh ʸheʰ wa-díˀʸheʰ hóri ‘I’ve heard that a man went down to the sea to fish. While he was fishing – it is said – a big fish approached him, seized him and devoured him together with his canoe’ (CSOL III 8:17)
b. maḷ ˁáˀki aˁádoʰ ekέbes rího díˀki hóri ḥeréˀki ḷenzέfoʰ aḷ-šénzef ‘While we were at sea, water started to enter the canoe. We tried to bail it out but it wasn’t possible for us to bail it out’ (CSOL II 3:8)
A loanword (see Behnstedt 1273)