hóḷˀɛʰ (f. hóḷˀiʰ, pl. hóḷˀten)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية


come here!
الأمثلة النصية

tóbirk méʸhen ṭírob di-ˀéṣyhaḷ ˁaf aˁámer triʰ ḥamľíti gédaḥ tho múgšem wa-kse še triʰ amľíti ˁö́mor ezáˁa ṭeʸh méʸhi kenk ˁámok karámmeʰ šᵒofk tho tenokíľin nhɔfk méʸhi wa-karámmeʰ aḷ-šᵒofk yaˀḥ bek wa-tóˁod ṭánˀeʰ réšḷaḷ di-ḳáˁar ber ˁam etobírin ḥaʰ aḷ-kor tezáˁa nhɔfk ˁö́mor hóḷˀɛʰ id-bo ‘I broke up some excellent kindling until I had two piles. Then a boy came to me and found the two piles with me. He said: “I’ll take one of them from you.” I said: “If you manage to take me down, go get one for yourself, but if you don’t manage to take me down, woe unto you, you will go back home like this (empty-handed), wretched fellow! If I’m breaking up kindling here, it is not for you to take it for yourself!” He said: “Come closer!”’ (CSOL III 3:6)