erẓ̂éfoʰ (du. erẓ̂efóti, pl. érẓ̂ef)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (f.)

skin on milk
молочная пенка
CSOL I 639; Naumkin et al. 2013a:79
الأمثلة النصية

a. toyk ho erẓ̂éfoʰ men ṣ̌ádher di-ŝḥaf ‘I ate the skin which was in the milk-pot’ (CSOL I 2:25)

b. yeḥóḷeb díˀʸheʰ érhon di-ˀeftóˀo wa-yesód be-fḥam di-ŝiyáṭ wa-yegóḷef erẓ̂éfoʰ di-ŝḥaf wa-yetáḳob ‘He milks his goats into buckets and puts them on the embers from the fire. Then he takes out the skin from the milk and puts it together’ (CSOL I 2:25)

االشتياق اللغوي

Likely derived from the verbal root *rṣ̂f ‘to put something over something, to hide’, attested in Soqotri as well as elsewhere in Semitic (LS 405). At the same time, a certain semantic similarity to Arabic raḍf- ‘heated stones with which milk is made to boil’ (Lane 1099) is noteworthy (Naumkin et al. 2013a:79).