Сокотрийский словарь
rezḳ (pl. arzáḳ)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. ˁö́mor ɛʰ déḷaḳ rezḳ di-ˀáḷḷaʰ tóˁod tezέgod wa-ˀáraḥ díˀɛʰ diˀáḷ nínhi taˁámer έhɛ máhar díˀɛʰ di-férhim ‘The boy said: “God’s bounty is limitless. Go, take them and present them to his majesty. You should say to him: ‘This is the bride-price for your daughter’”’ (CSOL II 1:80)
b. tšodéˀen arzáḳ wa-ḥasanát wa-sayyiˀát wa-tkotebésen ‘Distribute daily bread, and good and bad things and apportion them to the people’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:549 (line 146))