šátḥan (yéštḥan or yéštḥon/ľištḥán or ľištáḥan)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (VIII)

1. to be galled; 2. to have galled skin
быть раздражённым (о коже); иметь раздражённую кожу
أصاب بالتهييج؛ كان لديه الجلد المتهيج
Bulakh 2024:179
текстовые примеры


a. íľľiho érbɛb aḷ-teštḥónen tóˀo ľheʰ iľ-ˁéṭem ľheʰ iľ-ˁéṭem yéštḥen di-máḥḷɛ wa-ho aḷ-men ľheʰ iľ-ˁéṭem wa-di-ˁéṭem yéštḥen ˁad šíyaḥ ‘My thighs do not get galled as the thighs of fat people. Fat people quickly get galled, but I am not from among those who are fat. And fat people get their armpits galled, too’ (Bulakh 2024:179–180)

b. faḳḥ men έˀɛfo yéštḥen šíyaḥ wa-ḥaʰ di-yéštḥon ŝérhon men gezmát wa-kaḷ ṭáfaˁ di-ŝɔb waľľá ˁárnɛg ‘Some people get their armpits galled, and some people get their feet galled by shoes, especially in the front upper part of the foot or above the heel (Achilles tendon)’ (Bulakh 2024:180)

2. ḥéyhe ḷaḷ yeḥomíľin ḷe-ḥumár waľľá ḷe-beˁér yeḥóľi heʸh marádif wa-yeḥóľi ḷe-mednebéʰ kor aḷ-ľištáḥan wa-ˀaḷ-ľátḥar zemέľ wa-ḳayd di-yegodíḥin ḷe-mednebéʰ wa-mednebéʰ yeˁóumor hes ṣéfḥaʰ ‘When somebody loads a donkey or a camel, he must put a saddle-cloth (under the load), and he must put (a piece of cloth) under the rope below the tail (that is, between the rope and the tail) so that he (the donkey) does not get galled and the harness and the rope below the tail do not hurt him. As for the tail rope, a piece of cloth is put under it (between it and the tail)’ (Bulakh 2024:180)
