ˁótser or ˁóster (yáˁtsor/ľaˁtéser or ľaˁtésɛr)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (VIII)

to fail to go out, to be obstructed, blocked
быть заблокированным, прегражденным
فشل في الخروج
Bulakh 2024:166; CSOL III -
الأمثلة النصية

a. énḳaˁ ˁag óˀoz di-ḳáˁar wa-ŝínik ˁes teskɛdídin ˁámok heʸh hɔ inέm ses deš óˀoz di-ˀaḷ-beḷέgoʰ eskɛydédoʰ ˁö́mor ˁᵃtsroʰ ˁes ‘A man brought a goat to our house, and I saw it squat on its hind legs. I said to him: “What’s going on with this goat – does it ever not squat?” He said: “It’s suffering from constipation”’ (CSOL III 14:16)

b. tóˀo ö́ḳark ˁéŝoʰ kiľáˀ téṣrer oˀókeb wa-ˀešráḳaḥ wa-ṭáḥam aḷ-šérḳaḥ ˁótser ken maḥṣáṣeʰ ‘When finally I came home in the evening, my kidney started to ache, it pained me. I was going in and out, but I could not urinate (lit. the urine did not come out), it got blocked because of little stones in it’ (Bulakh 2024:166–167)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

In the meaning ‘to suffer from constipation’, the verb can be used both impersonally with a semantic subject introduced through ḷe- (example a) and with an overt subject (example b) (Bulakh 2024:166)
