ˁéṣa (yeˁóṣi or yéˁeṣ/ľaˁṣá)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ib)

to lose appetite
потерять аппетит
فَقَدَ الشهية
Bulakh 2024:207
الأمثلة النصية

a. ʸhe ˁéṣa men ṭay di-ḥámˀi ṣáˀmhim ‘He was disgusted by the smell of rancid ghee’ (Bulakh 2024:207)

b. gέhɛmk id-ḳáˁar díˀʸho di-ľáľaḥ wa-ḥéṣar énhi be-ḥámˀi wa-tóˀo šáṭik mes ṭay ˁéṣak díˀʸho be-sáˁa ‘I visited at noon the house of my maternal uncle, and he sprinkled my food with some ghee, and as I smelled its smell, I lost my appetite at once’ (Bulakh 2024:207)

الملاحظات الصرفية

perfect 3 sg. f. ˁíṣoʰ
