المعجم السقطري
šémḷek (yešmέḷok/lišέmlɛk, f. šemḷéko)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
ṭérodk ṭey díˀyho óˀoz di-ses ˁífef wa-yhedk hes be-míṣ̌her kor tšemέḷok díˀse ke-ˀérhon wa-ṭey šɔm ḳóˁoŝ ˁífef waferέdo biš wa-ḥérek ḷeṭrέd aḷ-ẓ̂aˁk 'I was pursuing one of my goats, which had a kid. (When I caught it), I enclosed the kid in a pen so that the mother goat would become tame, together with other goats. But one day the kid escaped, and the mother goat fled with it. I tried to pursue it, but could not catch it' ( Naumkin et al. 2022 :260)