ŝter or ŝóter (yeŝtéren/ľiŝtír or ľiŝtɛ́r)
basic morphological information

v. (V)

to work on something, to apply one’s skills
работать над чем-то, применять навыки
طبّق مهارة، عمل على شيء
Bulakh 2024:199
text examples

énkaˁ énhi ˁag ḳɔn di-míˀšer di-fíyot kor eḳáronš e-ḥánžɛhɛr wade ḳɔn tébrɛhɛr ˁámok hey díˀɛ ḳɔn aḷ-yešḳáron ˁar ḷaḷ yébded ŝiyáṭ yéfrer ˁámor teŝtéren énhi biy ˁámok ṣáˁab ṭáˁḷe yeḳáḷem ˁámor ke ḳélom ľákɛn ˁank di-biľáš ˁámok naˁtébor wa-ŝóterk biy ˁaf yeṣṭében wa-kánaḥk ŝóterk biytóˀo éḳronktoy di-ḥánžɛhɛr ˁaf yešḳáron wa-tóˀo tétek ˁámor ḷirˁák áḷḷa dέhɛr ‘A man brought me a horn of a dead billy goat to make a knife handle out of it. The horn was very fragile. I told him: “Your horn is not fit for this kind of work. When it feels fire, it will break into pieces”. He said: “Please apply your skills to it”. I said: “It will hardly work. It will definitely break”. He said: “If it breaks, this will cost you nothing (I won’t demand any compensation for the broken horn)”. I said: “Let’s see”. And I worked on it till it was straightened, and I continued working till I managed to make a knife handle out of it. When I finished the work, he said: “God keep you!”’ (Bulakh 2024:199)

  • ˀéŝter to work on something, to apply one’s skills
  • ŝer to work carefully