ˀeštíbib (yeštíbib/ľištíbib)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (R)

to seize a thing quickly
быстро схватить какую-либо вещь
أمسك شيئا بسرعة
Bulakh 2024:198
الأمثلة النصية

álaḥk ke-ˁag di-ˀéḳdomk ˁeyš yeṭóhor be-siyára di-méde ˁámok hey tod ménhi wa-ho eštébeb nɔ́fin ḷe-šémbɛľ men dukkán ˁámor di-máḥle štobk nɔ́fin ḷe-šémbɛľ wa-šáˁik ˁaf aˀágaḥ šey ‘I called a man who, as I saw, was going to travel to the mountains (southward) by car. I told him: “Wait for me, I’ll quickly get myself a pair of resin slippers from a shop”. He said: “Quickly!” I quickly seized the slippers and run back and got into his car’ (Bulakh 2024:198)
