Сокотрийский словарь
matéṭar (yemtéṭar or yemteṭéren/ľimtéṭar)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. gédaḥ tan ittiṣáľ men ḷe-ḥaʰ ken díˀḥan mudír ˁámor ˁéyyek héken fáḥre keyhór tsófer mɛstľín ḥan ľheʰ ẓ̂áˀteʰ di-ˁígɛb hin ˁámor áḥmad matéṭar tan oˀórem di-maṭár wa-ḥan núʸhor ‘A message reached us from over there, from our boss. He said: “I want you all to travel (to another place to work there)”. We—those who were asked—discussed it. Ahmed said (to me): “Go ahead to the airport, and we shall follow you”’ (Bulakh 2024:150)
b. ˁámok e-ˁážeʰ kor temtéṭar hin di-déndhɛn díˀḥan di-ḳáˁar kor taˁámer hin fŝo ‘I told my wife to go ahead to our house in the meantime (while we were still at work) to cook lunch for us’ (Bulakh 2024:150)