fóten (yeftínin or yefténen/ľiftín)
basic morphological information

v. (VIII)

to become independent (economically)
стать независимым (экономически, в финансовом плане)
أصبح مستقلا، بذاته (في المجال المالي)، استغنى
LS 337; CSOL II 456; Naumkin et al. 2015a:67 ; Bulakh 2024:193
text examples

a. aḷ-ŝéˀe teníˀho tέten ˁar ŝéˀe tho di-ˁad aḷ-fóten ‘My sheep do not worry me, but the one who cannot provide for himself does’ (CSOL II 6:17)

b. mébrehe aḷ-yeftínin keʰ ṣéme ˁeʸh díˀʸheʰ έˀɛfo wa-ʸheʰ ˁad ḳéyhɛn ‘A child cannot stand on its own two feet if its parents die while it is still small’ (CSOL II 6:17)

semantic notes

‘To become independent from (ˁan) somebody’: see example b.


Despite the semantic discrepancy, might be an Arabic loanword (Bulakh 2024:84), cf. Lane 2447, Wehr 899.