ˀɛtégɛḷ (yetégoḷ/ľitégɛḷ)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (VIII)

to assemble (intrans.)
Bulakh 2024:189
текстовые примеры

nábaḥ ˁag be-ˀenˁáyrher be-ˁamḳ di-ḥte ˁaf yetéḳeṭ bey έˀɛfo wašébe ḳísɛr bey wa-ṭéher wa-šḥáṣe inέm di-kɔn šey ˁámor šódimk be-genníye di-ḥamzézo ḥe wa-ḳarére béḷog díˀʸhe ḷe-ˁéyyog wa-ˁamor ˁegében neṣḷέb edíˀḥan emboríye wa-kor yezóged ˁan áḷḷa meˁedhebéten wa-tóˀo otégeḷ men ṭa wa-men ṭa rében ḷe-yɔm di-meṣḷíbo ‘A man emitted a cry in the middle of the night, so that the people (in the house) woke up. They thought he was bitten by something (by an insect), and they came and inquired him about what had happened. He said:“I had a dream about a ginni woman who (attacked me and) pressed my head down”. And next day he sent for his relatives and said: “We have to slaughter (a goat) for our children, asking God to take off from us the troubles”. When people assembled from here and from there, they started to discuss the date of the slaughtering’ (Bulakh 2024:189)

прочие примечания

Cf. CSOL I 674, CSOL II 608
