v. (VIII/VI)
меняться местами
a. deʰ ˁag ḥatéḷaf ˁánhi ‘This man replaced me’ (Bulakh 2024:83)
b. wa-tóˀo éraḥk ˁamḳ di-ˀóˀorem aḷ-ˁad fe wa-ŝíni ˁouyέghɛn tóˀo íto ménhi méḳṣeʰ žer wa-ˁö́mor hέbe kor aḥáḷofk wa-ḥatéḷaf ˁánhi ‘Midway along, I could not go anymore. One of the boys saw that I had no strength anymore (lit. my joint was weak), and he rushed towards me saying: “Let me take your place”. And he replaced me’ (Bulakh 2024:143)
c. ho wa-ṭeʸh šerḳáḥki men ḥadíboʰ id-di-médeʰ wa-tóˀo šerḳáḥki men ḥadíboʰ zaˁáyki gírgɛn di-ˁešrín ľitr míľi ḥámˀiʰ wa-ḥteľfíki ˁeʸh ˁaf ɛˀɛróḥoš bɛdíyeʰ ‘One woman and I went from Hadibo to the countryside. When we left Hadibo we took a 20 liter can full of clarified butter. And we were carrying it in turnstill we brought it to the countryside’ (Bulakh 2024:144)
‘To replace somebody (ˁan)’: a, b.
‘To change places with each other’ is usually employed in connection to a joint work on something or with something (ḷe-), performed in turns: c.