ḥótker (yáḥtkor or yaḥtkéren/ľaḥtékɛr)
basic morphological information

v. (VIII)

to be restricted, to be restrained
быть ограниченным
انحصر، انحبس
Bulakh 2024:183
text examples

a. ímɔn ḥatkerin men rího be-sábab ŝáḳar wa-ˀaḷ-ḷíso šin yaḥteléfen έˀɛfo ḷe-rího ʸhómen bóuḷog rího diˀáḷ έˀɛfo ŝe di-ľéḥe wa-ʸhom déžen ŝe men ˁáľɛ kor yeˀábaˁ ˁéʸhen rího suwá wa-ˀaḷ-tέkɛn mɛnóḥo šéʸhen téḳaf tóʸhen be-ˀezwám kúľľe ṭad ˁérob díˀʸhe ʸhom ‘This year we had a shortage of water because of the drought, as it did not rain in our land. People were using water in turns (lit. changing places with each other over water): one day water was sent (by water pipes) to those living below, and another day to those from above, to make the water enough for them, so that no fight would occur among them. Certain periods of time (with water supply) were allotted to them, and everybody knew his day’ (Bulakh 2024:183)

b. gedóḥo tan siyára di-teḳóˁod ŝέte wa-ḥan ḷeksíˀin be-ˀóˀorem wa-tóˀo gedóḥo tan dšénˁa ṣaḷún wáḳḳaf hin ˁag wa-se bíro miḷóˀo έˀɛfo ˁámor hin aḷ-toˀógeḥ amóren aḷ-naˀágaḥ ˁar ber ŝe di-bes aḷ-ẓ̂ébeṭ ˁámor toˀógeḥ ˁaf ri di-ŝégre egáḥan di-ḳáne fáḥre wa-ˀaḷ-šézˁem hin ˁar aḷ-ẓ̂ebáṭen wa-ḥᵃtkᵉrin sᵉkɛ kaḷ be-ḥáfen di-ṭehídin ezˁómen wa-tóˀo eráḥan ri di-ŝégre wa-ṭeróben wa-ḷáṭen ḥŝin ˁö́mor ṭad šerḳóḥo ménhi nafs ḥayr hin fɔ́ne ľaw ˁóden be-ŝérhon ‘A car which was going to Hadibo reached us as we were on the road (hitch-hiking). As this sedan car reached us, the man (the driver) stopped it for us. But it was already full of people. He said to us: “Won’t you get it?” We said: “We won’t get in: there is not enough space even for the people who are already there”. He said: “Get in and go with us till the top of the mountain pass”. We all got inside, but it was not convenient for us to sit there: there was not enough space for us, we were crowded and it was only on the lap of each other that we could sit. When we reached the top of the mountain pass and left the car and were again alone, one of us said: “My soul nearly went out! It would have been better for us if we went by foot”’ (Bulakh 2024:183)

  • ḥkor to cause difficulties, to create problems, to restrict, to obstruct
  • ḥᵃkᵉreʰ difficulty, obstacle