ktom (yekótem/ľiktέm)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to restrain, to withhold
كبح، امتنع
text examples

beraḥtéten men tóˀo aḷ-dómik wa-ˁaľéḳt díˀyho be-resáľa dómik wa-ˁeyyomk men rízaḥ wa-mέḷhoḷ wa-šáḳhom bɛss egrídodk men ṭádaˁ di-ḳaˁáde ˁaf ebáraḥ di-ḥóyhi wa-ho ˁeŝk be-fᵉzaˁ wa-šɛkído wa-hέben eṣ̌óˁor ˁar ktomk ḷe-nhɔ́fkin tóˀo be-ḥaḷf dérhi wa-ˁézľi wa-ho aḷ-kɔn še di-ˁam dékerk wa-ˀesέḷtet ‘Two nights ago I couldn’t sleep because I was worried about my master’s thesis. At last, I fell asleep and slept soundly for being so tired and worried and lacking sleep; but then I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor. I was startled awake from fear and anxiety and was about to scream, but managed to control myself – after all, I was abroad, in a foreign country. Nothing like that had ever happened to me, not from the time I became self awware and began to walk’ (CSOL III 10:12)
