Сокотрийский словарь
ŝe (yeˀóŝi/ľáŝɛ)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
ṭey sáˁa náfaˁk boḳ díˀʸho be-ḳáˁyhɛr wa-ˀö́ṣaḷ ḥeʰ ṭad ˁag ˁámok hey inέm díˀɛ šᵉḳa ˁö́mor énhi ṭíṭho wa-ṭíṭho wa-ŝɛyk ˁey díˀʸheʰ šᵉḳa ‘Once I was working in my tribal area, and a certain man was helping me. And I said to him “What would be your wages?” He said: “Like this and like that.” And I gave him his wages’ (CSOL III 19:91)
морфологические примечания
In the Perfect, the verb is identical to ŝe (yíŝoy/ľiŝέ) ‘to singe,’ although an alternative conjugational pattern has also been reported, with ŝɛ reserved for 3 sg. m. and ŝe for 3 pl. m.
- šŝe to receive, take, accept