آبُش (أو) آبُيْه
έboš or έboʸh
basic morphological information

v. n. (m.)

pregnancy (among small cattle)
беременность (о мелком рогатом скоте)
حَبَل (عندَ ألمعزَ وألضأن)
text examples

a. ḳénho égmed ŝḥaf ken έboʸh ‘The cattle had thick milk because of pregnancy’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:248)

b. keʰ ľíso mέsɛ wa-ˀéẓ̂aʰ ḳö́ṣho tšfátaḥ érhon wa-yíken bésen έboš ‘When it rains and grass sprouts, goats are mated and become pregnant’ (CSOL III 5:17)

c. šérḳaḥ šeʰ έboš be-ẓ̂áˀteʰ eẓ̂yóˁo ‘Three two-year-old goats of mine got pregnant’ (CSOL III 5:17)

d. wa-ṭaʰ keʰ ľísoʰ mέsɛ di-ˁáḷho wa-bórik be-ḳénho kɔn beʸh έboʸh wa-kέfɛ wa-ŝḥaf wa-tɛʰ wa-ˁáfiyaʰ ‘And likewise, when there was a good rain, and He blessed the livestock (thereby), there was pregnancy among it, and there were beestings, and milk, and meat, and prosperity’ (Bulakh 2024:141–142)

morphological notes

v. n. from ibóhoʰ
