basic morphological information

n. (pl. t.)

sacrificial animals
жертвенные животные
CSOL I 635
text examples

a. égdaḥk tέten wa-náḳaˁk mésen rukbiyyát ‘I gathered my sheep and chose which were to be slaughtered at the Feast of Immolation’ (CSOL I 28:19)

b. ḷaḷ yíken áˁyed di-ˁaráfi ľázem έˀɛfo yerókeb ḷe-rukbiyyát ‘When the Feast of Immolation comes, people must prepare the victims to be slaughtered’ (CSOL I 635)

c. ṣeḷóben ḷe-rukbiyyát tri óˀozi ‘We slaughtered for the sacrifice two goats’ (Bulakh 2024:160)

  • rékob to sacrifice for the Immolation Day

By its form, this word looks an unquestionable Arabism, but no suitable source lexeme, either Classical or dialectal, has been found. The informants derive it from the Soqotri verb rékob (ḷe-) with a specialized meaning ‘to prepare sheep to be slaughtered for the Immolation day’ (CSOL I 635)