bérod (yebóred/ľibrέd)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to cut
text examples

a. ḷaḷ neḳánem fɔ́ne ḷe-ŝéḳhor aḷ-sebós wa-šᵉˁer tóˀo di-náˁa kaḷ ˁáṣab di-šérhom yeḥáḷof ˁag díˀyhe móľbid kor ḷaḷ yeḳánem yebóred ˁáṣab físsaˁ di-ẓ̂áˀad wáľľa di-ṭeḳ wáľľa di-ˀímtɛ yebóred di-máḥḷe kor yaˀábaˁ ˁésen wa-ˀaḷ-tɛrtkέben  be-ṭad ˁáṣab ‘Before, when we used to feed our animals by hand during a drought, it was with neither chaff nor barley as now, but just tree branches. A man would sharpen his machete, so that when he cut off the branches, he could cut them quickly, those of ziziphus or the wild fig or the i.-tree. And he would cut them off hurriedly so there would be enough for all the animals at once and they wouldn’t all crowd around a single branch’ (CSOL III 8:1)

b. sɛmsómki ker ḥte ho wa-díˀyho semesímhin wa-tóˀo eráḥki ˁamḳ di-ḥaḷf ṭaḥ ḥe kóḷek nhɔ́fkin id-mihľóˁo éľľa wa-ˁag di-yekḷóḷ e-ṭáḥrer wa-ˀaḷ-ˀéḳdem ḥe kóḷek nhɔ́fkin wa-ṭáḷaḥk wa-yhe aˁbéres mékľeľ wa-škᵉḷéḷes wa-bérod mes ri ˁatírik wa-ˁámok hey έˀɛfo šek mek di-bo ‘We were trotting along, me and my whitish donkey. Midway along he lay down under me. I went into the shade and suddenly saw a man who throwing a piece of cloth onto the face of a feral goat (in order to catch it), but he didn’t see me. I crept toward him, and at that moment he managed to throw a piece of cloth onto the goat’s face and catch it, and cut off its head. Then I called out to him saying: “You’re not alone here!”’ (CSOL III 8:1)

morphological notes

pass. bírɛd (yebóurod/ľibród) بِيرَد :

fɔ́ne ker ˁéyhon ḥaḷhéten di-ḳáŝen bóurod mey éˀed ke ẓ̂íbaṭ wa-ˀέˀɛfo yŝóne ˁey tóˀo bírɛd mey éˀed ‘Formerly, in years gone by, one cut off the hand of a thief if he were caught, and people would watch when his hand was being cut off’ (CSOL III 8:1)

semantic notes

‘To cut a camel’s hamstrings (direct object)’:

ˁag fɔ́ne be-zamán ɛˀɛtíˀin ˁéken ˁag ˁeẓ̂ ˁeẓ̂ ḷaḷ yeyháraḳ gemáľe yebóred mes ľhe mes ˁarénrg mrn ḥérhen yebóreds wa-ḷaṭ yeḳáṣaf mes ri ‘There was a man in by-gone times — I will tell you — there was a strong man, so strong that when he would steal a she-camel, he would cut its hamstrings from behind. He would cut its hamstrings, then he would cut off its head’ (CSOL III 8:1)
