Сокотрийский словарь
بَار بُوسَا
bɛr bóusɛ
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
égaḥ ṭeʸh teméroʰ di-ˁúmor hes bɛr bóusɛ wa-tóˀo éraḥ mes díľˁayn eḳáŝeʸh méžred ṣémhi men témreʰ di-ˁibhέrets id-míˁi ʸháḷaḥ men boḳ-náˁaʰ ˁaf yebáraḥ di-ḥámreʰ di-ḳórẓ̂iˁ ‘He climbed onto a palm tree, which is called bɛr bóusɛ, and when he climbed to the very top, a dry branch from another palm tree standing nearby, it hit him right in the side. He jumped off from there and fell into liquid mud’ (Naumkin–Kogan 2021:531)