v. (IV)
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a. wa-ḷe-ˁóŝi éṣbaḥ ˁag diˀáḷ díˀʸheʰ óˀozi ‘In the morning, the man came to see his two goats’ (CSOL I 6:43)
b. teṣábaḥ ḷe-ṣífin wa-ḷe-ḥíṣiḳ ḥᵃtóyhim ‘In the morning she starts by plaiting the palm fibers and making threads’ (CSOL II 15:24)
c. ḷe-ˁóŝi éṣbaḥ díʸheʰ men éľľehe wa-ˀeṣbóḥoʰ heʸh éľľehe ḥizízoʰ ‘The next morning, he went to look for his cow and found it slaughtered’ (CSOL I 8:7)
d. neṣábaḥ ḳarére fáḥr ‘Let us go together tomorrow morning to gather our goats’ (CSOL II 13:30)
e. ˁö́mor yɔʰ aˁŝέŝ di-tɛr ˁasέ íno bíľeʰ di-ˀeṣbóḥoʰ ‘The boy said: “But please, stand up and come outside—perhaps something new has appeared in the morning?”’ (CSOL II 1:76)
f. éṣbaḥat tέˀɛʰ wa-éṣbaḥat trɔ bes áṭbi wa-ˀéľľehe eṣbóḥoʰ bes arbáˁaʰ ‘The sheep remained with two teats, and the cow got four teats’ (CSOL II 22:8)
v. n. eṣbóḥoʰ
‘To come/to go somewhere/to somebody (ḷe- or di-, diˀáḷ) in the morning’ (a)
‘To be busy with something (ḷe-) in the morning’ (b)
‘To look for an animal (men) in the morning’ (c, d)
‘To appear in the morning (to somebody, e-)’ (e)
‘To become’ (f)
- (3 sg. f.) ṣibóḥoʰ it is morning
- eṣbóḥoʰ doing something in the morning (typically applied to looking for one's goats to be milked)
- ṣabḥ morning