базовые морфологические сведения

v. (I)

to appear
LS 204; CSOL II 619; Naumkin et al. 2013b:556
текстовые примеры

ezˁémo ḥánˀe ˁougéno wa-ṭáľaˁat gáḥľeľ ‘After a while, the girl became pregnant’ (CSOL II 28:39)

прочие примечания

Other derivates from the same Arabic root: muṭálʸaˁaʰ ‘reading’: al-ˁéröbk ifól yeˀoúlɛ be-ḳálam wa-ˀifól kóutob wa-menóˀo ḳóurɛ muṭálʸaˁa ‘I did not know how one holds qalam and how one writes and from which direction one reads’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:556); meṭáľiˁ ‘the sacred books’: wa-ˀerbáˁa di-bíŝi šeyhen ḥímey meṭáľiˁ at-tawrát az-zabúr aľ-ˀinǯíľ wa-ľ-ḳurˀán ‘And the four that have no five are the sacred books: the Torah, the Psalter, the Gospel and the Quran’ (ad-Daʕrhi et al. 2019:540)


An Arabism (Wehr 564, Behnstedt 782)