Soqotri Lexicon
sérok (yesórek/ľisrέk)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. sérokk díˀʸho bᵉˁer be-mésrek wa-ʸheʰ yebέrber wa-gédaḥ bᵉˁer diyáḥŝeʸh di-yebέrber ʸhéˀerho wa-ˀetérˁoʰ wa-ṭímaˁ beʸh deʰ di-sírɛk ‘I tethered one of my camels with a rope while it was in heat. Then another camel came, also in heat, and they fought. The tethered one was overcome’ (CSOL I 18:44)
b. sérokk ḥamár wa-ˀéryomk heʸh sɛrk kor yóˁod tóˀo ˁégeb ‘I tethered a donkey, but made the tethering rope long so that it could move as it likes’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:260)
morphological notes
pass. sírɛk (yesóurok/ľisrók) (a)