Soqotri Lexicon
text examples
a. ẓ̂eḷóˁoʰ ˁemέroʰ tέˀɛʰ di-ˁíggo še ḷe-ker óˀorem wa-bíŝi bes ŝḥaf wa-ḷáḥayk toʸh káľbeʰ ‘And she told him. She said: “There was a ewe of mine who gave birth in the middle of the road, yet it had no milk. So I found a dog to nurse the lamb.”’ (CSOL I 17:49)
b. ḳáṣḳeṣ ˁouyέghɛn kéľbeʰ di-marẓ̂áˁaʰ díˀʸheʰ di-ḳáḳaʰ ‘A boy gnawed at his little brother’s milk bottle.’ (CSOL I 28:5)
semantic notes
kéľbeʰ in kéľbeʰ di-marẓ̂áˁaʰ ‘nursing bottle’: (b).
other notes
Borrowed from Arabic.