n. (m.)
небо, небеса
a. ľheʰ di-ˀaḷ-musľimín yeˁómer ḳanínhin ṣö́ḳab samawát wa-ľ-ˀarẓ̂ be-ʸhéˀteʰ énhor wa-ḷaṭ rézaḥ wa-ˁö́ẓaf šɔm di-sabt ‘Those who are not Muslims say that the Lord created the heavens and the earth in six days and then became weary and rested on Saturday.’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:540 (line 56))
b. ṭeʸh sáˁaʰ ˁodk ḷe-ker ŝorṭ wa-ho ˁö́ḳaḷk díˀʸho be-bóḫšaʰ daráhɛm gedóḥo médeʰ wa-zegέdo díˀseʰ dirihímhin wa-ˀéḳdomk ˁeʸh wa-ʸheʰ yéfrer wa-tóˀo ébraḥ šáˁik kor eḷáḳaṭ wa-médeʰ téṣrerš men ḥaʰ id-ḥaʰ wa-ṭad ékob ḷe-ker íˀitin éṣreš raḥ ˁaf aḷ-ˁak eŝóniš ker samá wa-ˀaḷ-ˁérobk óˀo ébraḥ ken raḥ wa-ˀouḳáshɛn di-médeʰ ‘Once I was going along the street, and I put some money into my pocket. Then the south wind came and took away my money, and I saw it fly. When it landed, I rushed to collect it, but the wind was throwing it from here to there, and one banknote went to the sky – the wind was pushing it up until I saw it in the air, and I did not even know where it landed because of the wind and the dust of the south wind.’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:272)
Borrowed from Arabic samāˀ-.