sáľľam or saľľám
basic morphological information

v. (II)

1. to greet; 2. to deliver
1. приветствовать; 2. передавать
LS 287; CSOL I 643; CSOL II 575; Wehr 424-426; Qafisheh:325-326
text examples

a. ṭáhɛr ŝíbɛb yóˁod wa-yíboš fézaˁ ḷe-nhɔfš énneʰ yeḷátaˁš sáṭahan wa-šö́baṭ ˁaf yegodíḥin diˀáḷ sáṭahan sáľľam ˁéʸhen ˁö́mor as-saľámu ˁaľáykum ‘The old man set off, weeping as he went. He was afraid for himself, that the sultan would kill him. He was scared. When he finally reached the sultan, he greeted them (the sultan and his court). He said: “Peace be upon you!”’ (CSOL II 1:46)

b. ṭáhɛr ˁaf yegodíḥin diˀáḷ férhim deš di-teráˁa tέten saľľám ˁes wa-báˁir ˁes ṣítotš ‘He went out to see the girl who was herding her sheep. He greeted her and she looked at him.’ (CSOL I 17:70-71)

c. tóˀo ˁö́mor héʸhen aḳfáľ énkaˁ des wa-sáľľam tos díˀseʰ ṣanádeḳaʰ ‘When he made the locks for them, he brought the chests to her, delivered them to her.’ (CSOL I 26:14)

d. báˁaḷ ˁag díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ wa-sáľľam toʸh sáṭahan súľṭaʰ wa-sáľľam toʸh díˀʸheʰ mɛľ wa-sáľľam toʸh wiľáyaʰ ‘The man remarried his wife, and the sultan handed over to him power and his possessions and rule.’ (CSOL II 1:168)

semantic notes

1. ‘To greet’ (a,b).

2. ‘To deliver’ (c,d).

other notes

Borrowed from Arabic.
